September 26-October 8 England with Julianne (Woodstock, Hartwell House and Buckland)
October 8-October 11 Carmel, New York
October 11-October 16 Houston with the Horn's
October 14-October 16 Pa in NYC for Mitt Meetings
October 16-October 20 Carmel, Indiana (celebrating Sophie's birthday)
October 20-October 27 Driving a black Volvo from Carmel, Indiana to Sundance via the Northern Route
November 1-November 5 Ladera Ranch, California
November 5-November 10 Sundance
November 14-November 28 Mesa, Arizona
November 28-December 3 Houston, Texas
December 3-December 5 Miami, Florida
December 5-January 2008 Sundance
This is as firm as it gets with some intermittent trips along the way.
it looks so pretty!
we are very excited for your 14 day stay at our house!
wow, snow? it's still 93 here. i'm really really really sick of it.
interMITTent trips along the way. hahaha
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