Following in the examples of my daughters, so begins Pa's journeys.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
From Oxford to Buckland
We have had an enjoyable time in England, Julianne's new home. Here she is in her Oxford Robes. She is having a great experience, a little overwhelming, but great none the less. Also, note the view onto the courtyard below her expansive room!
We have travelled from Hartwell House and are now enjoying the peace of Buckland. Julianne will joining us for lunch this weekend. Then off to NY and the Harris' on Monday.
As my kids know, perspective is one of my favorite words.
"Try not to become caught up in the Thick of Thin Things" Paul H. Dunn "Be kind, for everyone you meet is engaged in a great struggle." Philo of Alexandria
"We are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human experiences." Teilhard de Chardin
oh oxford is so medieval and ridiculous!
she looks super cute! does she get to choose her own skirt? i see embroidery. :)
that picture of hartwell house with the rainbow is about my idea of the celestial kingdom. can't wait to see you guys!
she sure has a nice view. it beats the view from the cheltsea!
What a blessed girl. Love the Oxford robes-look pretty cute on her. Relax and enjoy you time.
Love you lots
Looking good Julianne! The grounds are gorgeous!
I'd have a hard time putting my nose into a book with all that gorgeous scenery nearby.
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