Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sundance - A Winter's Wonderland, Come Visit!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow... After about 3+ feet, we finally had a little Sabbath sunshine. More snow coming - through Wednesday. It is beautiful. If only our camera had worked yesterday before the snow plows and shovels. To Andrew, Ethan, Emma, Sophie, Audrey, Parker, Miles, Annie, Jack, Max, Mabel, Oliver and Stella; we can't wait for you to come snowbodin', sledding, mano' building, reading by the pellet stove and playing in the triangle room.

It should be a fun, snow filled winter. Hope to see you soon!

Grab a shovel and join the fun!


Leslie said...

yay! get those baby snow shovels ready!

Barbara said...

Look prett cold to me!!!!!!!
Love you