If you haven't heard, Mitt Romney will be at the George HW Bush Presidential Library, Thursday, December 6th (9:30am CST) to deliver the much anticipated message "Faith in America." Many have wondered if, and when Mitt would deliver his "JFK" speech on faith and religion. Well, this is it! What a great opportunity for each in America to come to a greater understanding and appreciation of Faith, Religious Tolerance and the principles upon which our Country was founded.
What has amazed me is how polarizing this issue has become, even to the point that Mike Huckabee is running ads in Iowa stating that he is a "Christian Leader," implying he is the only one. Since when do we run for the Office of President as a "Christian Leader?" Aren't all of the candidates, Democrat and Republican, Christian? It reminds me of doing business with someone that has to tell me that they are honest. If it is not self-evident, then be careful.
Interestingly enough, America has become more tolerant in all facets of society, tolerant to same gender attractions, minorities and ethnicities, Catholicism, Judaism, etc. However, according to trending polls over the past 50 years, notwithstanding this trend of tolerance, America has become less tolerant to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). What gives? Aren't we good, caring and compassionate citizens? Don't we love our neighbors? Don't we help the downtrodden, feed the hungry and clothe the naked? Haven't we done this unto the least of our brethren?
Hopefully, America will take note and seek to understand others and their beliefs without fear and without bias or bigotry; that we will continue to be a nation that abides by the principles and precepts taught and exemplified by the Savior, to love our neighbor even if his/her beliefs are different than ours. That we will respect others and afford them their freedoms bequeathed in the Constitution that we uphold and know to be divinely inspired.
1 comment:
Wasn't the speech great?? I hope they'll re-air it on TV tonight; otherwise I'll be watching it again online. I thought it was so inspiring.
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