Wednesday, February 06, 2008

And So It Began...

We spent the first two days of our latest adventure in Santiago, Chile. It was a very long, uncomfortable flight in coach (!!) to get here through Dallas. The airport was a chaotic scene as about four or five cruises are all leaving out of Valparaiso tomorrow. Our hotel is very lovely and we can take nice walks around the city. Close to us is a gondola ride where you would have a view like this picture if only it weren't so smoggy! The people are very friendly and we had a nice driver take us to the temple only to find that it was closed for maintenance. Here is a picture of it anyway. We are planning to visit the temple in Buenos Aires and/or Montevideo and hopefully will have better luck! On to the Star Princess tomorrow.


joojierose said...

coach?! shocking. :)

Barbara said...

David Check Chelsey's blog again. You can now get on it as she opened it up to all. Love the pictures- quite a great trip except the plane ride!
See you when you get back.
Love and Hugs