Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Julianne will not boast, so we will. We are grateful for her humility and sincere desires, and for her beauty both inside and out. So it is that we share this moment with her as a family. Congratulations for your accomplishments with Distinction at Oxford and for having top marks at Oxford for your Dissertation.


Leslie said...

yay for jooj!!

joojierose said...

thanks! :) now i'll have 150 pounds of books to ship home to the US from my dissertation prize... huzzah!

love you guys.

Barbara said...

Jooj has done a magnificant job and is a wonderful person inside and out. You can be very proud of her because as parents you have guided her in all that she does.
Because of the two of you she has seen the world. You have been a great example to her and all that she does.
I love you,

The Queen said...

Congrats, Julianne!! Beautiful pictures! :)

stephanie said...

jooj is so amazing.