Monday, August 11, 2008

Joy in the Morning of our Lives!

Although the exhilaration of pleasure has its allure, it cannot compare to the exquisite nature of joy. Pleasure is something we experience here and now, while joy is something without boundary or measure, for joy is everlasting. It is also interesting to note, that when seeking for pleasure, a temporary and fleeting experience, we fail to experience true joy, but when we seek for true joy or joy everlasting, we can and often do experience pleasure along the way. "Even legitimate pleasure is as transitory as the things which produce it, while joy is as lasting as the things which produce it!" (Neal A Maxwell) Hence the argument.

Unlike the pleasures of life, joy is everlasting and eternal, and is only found in that which truly matters; in knowing our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ; in tender and loving relationships; in family and posterity; in loving others more than self; in observing and experiencing the hand of God in His creations and in all things. Joy is the singular byproduct of charity and charity is the pure love of Christ.

As noted in a previous post and referenced above, joy is in family and in posterity. Without doubt our life is full. Such is not to say we don't have our moments or trials, but joy is also found amid sorrows in life.

To the joy in my life - Happy Anniversary! These past 36+4 years together have been filled with joy!


Ginger said...

Hey, Congratulations... I was trying to figure out which of the many photos posted of you all in your wedding clothes was actually the wedding day... moustache or no??

I heard what you did for your anniversary... you all are living it up, eh?? :-)

Pa said...

Thanks. Moustache, absolutely.

joojierose said...

congrats, guys. love you both so much.

MIMI n' LINCOLN RULE!! said...

Congratulations!! We love you lots~