We spent a great day in Iowa today, seeing democracy at its best. We began in Nevada (Ne - Vada - "vada sounds like beta"), Iowa at an "Ask Mitt Anything" Event. There were about 50 people in the audience, both democrat and republican. It was fun seeing Mitt interact with them in such an up close setting. Even the democrats were entranced and supportive.
Then it was off to the Iowa State Fair. What a great experience. Mitt spoke on a hay bale after seeing the hogs. There were about 100 people listening intently in the oppressive heat. Iowans are very informed and very interested in the political process. As Mitt has said, they perform a great service to America by getting to know the candidates beyond the sound bites and commercials that most hear and see.
At the end of the day we caught up with a lot of our friends from the campaign at a volunteer rally in Ames. The press was there in abundance, and you may have seen some reporting on the news. Mitt did such a great job in all of his speeches today. We are looking forward to tomorrow's Straw Poll and will post the day and results.
cool! dad, do you have any idea what time or day it is? China to Iowa in like 24 hours, right?
It's a little strange to think Elliott and I were climbing the Great Wall of China on Wednesday and Mom and I were having dinner in Ankeny, Iowa on Thursday. But life is grand!
yes that is abit wierd. Happy Anniversary to you both. Can't believe it has been 35 years. You lead a very interesting life. Love you both
Hooray- He won, Knew he would. Now all just have to keep working!!!
Love and Hugs
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